Sunday 31 May 2015

Saturday 9 May 2015


So I finally got around to { revamping } the fire surround....
I made a wooden hearth from 3 old garden posts..measured ,cut to size,sanded then waxed~
i feel like i achieved the ''rustic'' look, although not very french country  : ( 

this was sooo simple to make..and i love how it looks with the new floor too : )
below is a picture of the finished hearth with the fire surround before i re-painted it ~
although i think this was a fantastic match with the rest of my room ,i couldn't help but try a lighter colour on it ,ive never been afraid of dark colours,and i love rooms that have that dramatic feel to them
so i tried a lighter colour ...i then had the idea of adding some fancy mouldings to the surround,glued into place by a handy glue gun,they turned out fantastic
Below is a short video on my favourite paint technique: dry brushing...
i cant be one of those people who just slaps paint on and hopes for the best ,to me a good base sets up the perfect outcome for any painting project.
although this technique does take a while its well worth all the layers of paint building up to finally show off the finished and desired look..
TOP TIP : when dry brushing ...DO NOT overload your brush ...use the brush until theres just no more paint there..then go over desired area while the paint is still wet{ NOT RELOADING YOUR BRUSH } does take a lot longer using this technique but it you will find that you're patience pays off : )
i think { hope} you agree that the outcome is a good example of both time and effort~
ps: the paint im using in the video is called ''pale French grey'' by laura Ashley ,a very luxurious paint and worth every penny.
below: finally all is finished~ these pictures show the stages of the mouldings put into place ,before and after painting .